| 1. | On march 13 the latin american diplomatic corps assembled in the east room of the white house . 3月13日,拉丁美洲国家的外交使团会集在白宫东厅。 |
| 2. | Four gentlemen of the diplomatic corps were already there 书斋里有四个外交使团的绅士模样的人。 |
| 3. | I am a diplomatic corps trainee 我是外交使节团的练习生 |
| 4. | She dreamed of serving her country and joined the diplomatic corps 她加入了外交使团,梦想着为国家效力。 |
| 5. | Diplomatic corps wouldn ' t take me 外交使团不让我参加 |
| 6. | Former members of foreign diplomatic corps who have served for at least three years in their respective posts -有至少3年从事外交工作的前外交师团成员; |
| 7. | I petitioned him in your favour , and you are put on the diplomatic corps , and created a gentleman of the bedchamber 我为你向他求情,你被编入外交使团,录用为低级侍从。 |
| 8. | A few days ago i reminded the diplomatic corps accredited to the holy see that hatred can only be overcome through love 记得几天以前我向驻圣座外交使节们说过:仇恨只能用爱来克胜。 |
| 9. | The martial arts school has put on shows for many visiting government delegations , foreign dignitaries , evoys , and diplomatic corps 武馆还为190多个重要政府代表团、驻外使节团、驻华使节团表演少林功夫。 |